
Welcome to Collector Info (Beta Version)

Within this web page you will find product information's about several miniatures ranges from different manufacturers / publishers.

To clarify:
These information's here are complete independent, private, non-commercial and not being associated to or with any manufacturer.

The idea behind this site:
Based on my private collection of miniatures I started to share these product data on this web site. To separate from well know sites like "The stuff of legends", the idea here is more being focused on product information and pictures (blister etc.). You will find here in example the product pictures, release date, packaging types and so on.

Web Site info:
The current site here is designed as static HTML pages, extracting the content from an internal database. Possible I will extend this with a database for dynamic abilities or use a shop or community system for displaying (not for sell). Not being a graphical person, I am aware that the look and feel of this site is a little outdated.

Currently "finished" are more or less: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (High Elves section, partially Wood Elves), Kobolds ate my baby (RPG), Harlequin Miniatures, Rezolution. In progress are several other product lines.

Support and comments:
Any comments or corrections, (even grammatical ones) are welcome. Especially all product informations and corrections are welcome If interested in joining or supporting this project and / or add information's, articles or pictures you are more than welcome. Please contact me. I am aware that this site isn't currently a wiki system, but there will be ways to work together.

Last Update: 17.07.2014